
The work – Ethics of this mission is divided into seven areas. These areas involve the congregational – structure and mental-framework of the members, focusing on a spiritual working ethics.

Area One – ASKING FORT:- Prayerful life is the primary place is a members life. We have individual and central prayer group. All prayer information and request are forwarded to CPG’s, is all areas where we operate. These CPG’s operate everywhere as “V.I.C.C ASKING FORT”.

Area Two – PASTORAL DEPTT:- Act 2:42 lays the foundations of all our pastoral Endeavour (The first century church). It remains our focus and effort, to train our deacon’s and deaconesses, elders as warriors is Christ, who stand with spiritual armors to fight and defeat Satan. Since this include deep and wide Bible education we arrange education for Lay-leaders with Bible Seminaries.

The Pastoral Deptt also delegates the GOLDEN AGE TASK:

  • We provide for the poor and needy, such as distributions of clothes in winter seasons.
  • We provide support for job-search, arranging vendor stalls such as Tea and Snacks stalls for the needy.
  • Spread social equality within the community, choosing small groups, bringing them is fellowship with larger congregations, to share their views and ideas.
  • Extending the word Mathew’s 28:18 to 20, we arrange all community meets with food arrangements, to promote social equality.

Area Three – WOMEN’S ARMY:- Based on the world of God, PSLAM 68:11, we provide equal opportunity to our female member’s , individual and church development, service to the lord. We focus on enabling them to form separate women cell’s or churches, and operate them.

Area Four – CHILD CARE:- Under this program, we Endeavour to encourage our chosen and anointed female Lay-leaders to extend Lord service is a in-house manner, to promote spiritual up bringing with in the children and attract them towards Lord Jesus.

We also extend financial support for health and nutrition and medical necessities of poor.We also support school fees, school bags and love gifts in christmas.

Area Five – MARRIAGE DENOTATION:- As per word of God, we oppose inter-caste marriage, and focus and offer marriages within the community only. It includes –

  • Organizing family seminars.
  • Introductive sessions within Churches.
  • Promote Gospel based youth seminars focusing on marriages.

Area Six - HEALTH MINISTRY:- This wing works towards nutritional and physical development of people and community at large.

  • Great awareness for diseases then distribution of hand-bills.
  • Organize medical camp is association with social units like Lion and Rotary for free check-ups and distributions of medicines, in the rural and urban areas within the needy & poor.
  • Organize mobile medical vans for deeper rural areas devoid od transport and basic social facilities.

Area Seven – MEDITATION (Sadhana):- 1 Timothy 4:8, word of God teaches us that physical training assists is getting closer to God. It includes:-

  • Arranging sport meets.
  • Practicing yog and exercise regularly.
  • Practicing meditation